
Archive for December, 2006


December 21st, 2006 is an epoch making day of my life… no it isn’t my girl friend’s birthday…. neither it is the start of any vacation to Hawaii … but it will be remembered as a day when I completed reading my first novel…. Yes I am one of the laziest readers you’ll meet and I wanted to break this jinx… I’ve been successful … it took me not less than a week to read a fat 289 page novel called as


Quite a decent book actually, it deals with a segment of population in India… the call center agents who slog out their nights to make life of the Americans better …. Now I won’t go into the story at all but would précis on what the book wanted to convey….

The book is about those hidden things in your life …which the writer refers to as the dark side ….. Everybody has them and it’s upon us to deal with them …. Do we keep piling up the frustrations or we try and be bold enough to kick them out of the way. The book also mentions vividly the plastic money mindset of the Indian youth and how we are blindly following the west because nothing great has happened in our country for the last 60 years and all the defaulters are the leaders we’ve had

If there is one thing I’m very passionate about is my country INDIA and like every Indian I believe we have the ability to become the best country in the world, but all we need to step up on the responsibility scale …take part in elections, take part in NGO’s, go wherever possible when your country needs you to an extent on killing the leaders…. We’ve been very submissive all over the years, but with the power of awareness we have and increasing news channels we can stand up for the betterment of the country and we all should in every small way you can …. Journalists who have stories which are rather confidential …. Use blogs to publish them, publish patriotic novels like these, come out with more patriotic plays and movies …. Just spread the patriotic milieu all over the country ….STAND UP AND BE COUNTED

Till then JAI HIND and keep Revolutionizing

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While sitting in the library yesterday a thought came into my mind … what is the future of advertising? whenever I watch TV today or read a newspaper I think, if somebody saw around 50 ad’s in a day on TV and around 30 ad’s in a newspaper how many will he actually remember… well say 4 to 5  max. So I’ve been thinking about innovative ways of advertising. I could think of some of them and I hope they exist in the near future


Now this is real crazy, imagine a regular stock market investor is expecting a good day at the sensex today. He logs on the Mumbai sensex online website but to his surprise the sensex is slipping down quickly. He’s a bit scared as his dear shares are really ‘Redding’ down steeply, right so he starts to get a shiver down his spine. The sensex reaches a 200 points down in the red and there are still no possibilities of any improvement ….suddenly he’s more restless, his head is really aching like hot oil in the cranium and suddenly there comes a popup that says…DISPRIN, just a glass to relax.


Now with television, radio, news papers cluttered with advertisements you have to find really innovative places to place your ads. I propose some really interesting places one of them is the HEAD. Baldness is never been fashionable but this time let me present you the most fashionable era for bald people. Now what you can do is get BRANDED tattoos on your head and GET PAID. Yes marketers pay lakhs of rupees for hoarding around the city, well you can charge thousands and be as popular


I read somewhere that the age group 12-20 is the most difficult people to advertise.
Well this last one could probably the wackiest advertising style in the world, visualize you are playing a PC or a play station game and you get into a pizza hut or a KFC …. And they ask you to place an order, you order a chicken burger your money is credited and you really get a pizza or a burger in half an hour!!!


If you can convince the PETA or the WWF, cows, dogs that run around the city can also be great options to advertise your products. For example, pedigree ads on dogs and amul on cows …. Mann sound really interesting and imagine they can be painted for free, in India where cows are seen anywhere and everywhere they can be a really great medium to advertise

Well now I invite wackier, innovative styles of advertising. So pitch in your comments and original ideas for the future world of advertising

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