
Archive for September, 2007

YESSS! one of the most precious things in my life …

completes a year today


It wouldnt have happened without YOU !!

THANKS for all the motivations and feedbacks

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Can you believe that … six sixes in an over and the worlds fastest fifty …phenomenal work YUVI …GREAT WORK TEAM INDIA

SO does this mark the dawn of a new era of Indian cricket … just sheer talent and brilliance the bold attitude and world class outlook

When i look back at Indian cricket i can distinctly remember the three great eras … the KAPIL DEV era, the AZHAR era and then the SACHIN era … all of the three were marked by some hero or the other that carried the brunt of the whole team … Kapil either had himself or Sunil Gavaskar …Azhar had Kapil for sometime and then himself and then there was just SACHIN all the way … he undoubtedly took world cricket by storm. if he played well India always won…just the sheer presence at the crease instilled hopes in billions about victory

BUT YES this is the new era … with no super stars, no heroes just sheer talent and the boldness to beat down any good side on any day …. a good decent captain who’s ready to share the credit with the team and players who are from small towns and want to make it big in life ..they have no worries, no backlogs but big aspirations

Heres to the Aussies “UP YOURS!!!” and here wishing India Best of luck for the finals and we are sure youll do us proud

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Before starting let me confess this is not my original idea …it’s borrowed from a friend who’s too lazy to write even a page! Oh yes Shivangi, would have loved it if it came from your pen, let it be now thanks for the really interesting idea and I will try to do justice to your thought …let see how successful I am!

I guess it’s really very important that with the exceptional quantitative growth of our country, it is also important that we grow qualitatively, become better and more responsible citizens, let the country grow with helping the government in terms of development of infrastructural projects which in turn will help us later. So while talking to Shivangi I came across this real weird or rather interesting thought, a very interesting comparison between EDUCATION, STANDARD of LIVING and CLEANLINESS

Its inevitable that the more money you have the better your lifestyle gets, you try to look good, have a better cell phone, buy a bigger car, go around with people of your class, show off, so invariably the lifestyle becomes royal… but you still do things that your servant, a beggar or a hawker does… you litter the place!! Be it a cigarette bud, a chips packet that goes down on the road and not in the dustbin. So is it improvement in life but you still are the same gawaar as you still were, your habits don’t yet match the upper class. Do they??

Now take another scenario, the youth of the country is said to be highly educated, more than 2 lakh people appeared for CAT last year, around 350000 engineers pass out in a year, around 40 lakh college graduates in a year, these days its become a fad to talk against the system… the education system is crap, it only meant for muggers. But have you done that one important thing every teacher taught you… throw trash in a bin!!! You never did it…chocolate wrappers, chips, paper goes down the road, down everywhere but the dustbin, and we still are proud to say we are MBA’s, engineers… if you are one please behave like one!! Or please give away your degrees and go back sweeping or rag picking

One thing these days I get really frustrated seeing is …young parents don’t even care their kids throwing litter on the road in the room or everywhere, agreed you never learned the manners please teach ‘them’ for god sake!! The other crap thought I come across is “USNEY BHI NEECHE PHEKA TOH MAI KYU NAHI PHEKOO” so the next time you get to know that “Woh” loves to pee on the road try that too. C’mon that’s a point of view of the uneducated, education empowers you think for yourself so kindly think for your self and not the others!!!

Quite an hard hitting article this has become so let me just close down wit a debate, so heres the problem… we need to get cleaner, in our habit as well as in our thoughts… should we come out yet another campaign that educates you not to litter and go in vain, or should we have police kicking you’re butt for every trash that you throw on road. So the debate is open come up with solutions and lets see if we can make it big time remember more than a 100 people will read this article at least and one of them could be an influential person somewhere !!

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I am not sure if I have some sort of brain malfunction or if I might have missed some critical years of schooling during a traumatic time in my life or maybe I just have an incredibly lazy brain, but I can’t spell! Well for all the people who always thought I was a brilliant student but I never got the marks I deserved, heres the reason why:

I fucking can’t ‘SPELL IT RIGHT’

This is the 5th year of my life where I have written a lot, right from the first year BMM to the 2nd year MBA there have been assignments, projects, reviews and so much more to write. I had a habit which I guess is rather quite strange but true. In a way its also a confession …. In the last 5 years every damn assignment or project done by me had one spelling mistake or error in it and that too at the most crucial spot be it the front page or the best quote or the caption, if its Nikhil’s project it has to have some error or it ain’t complete

This post is a dedication to the best invention in the world for people like me. It not only helps me to hide my disability but it gives me that support that yes you cannot just pretend but prove it to the world, that I can write and write as well as anybody around. Put your hands up guys the AWARD for the best invention for the modern writer goes to MS WORD. Life would have been full of spelling errors wthoiut yu !!!

So any of you who think the same of support me on this thought write down your views on the MICROSOFT WORD arguably world best typing software !!!


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