
Posts Tagged ‘trancehub’


 Dj tiesto, Paul van Dyk, Above and Beyond, DJ Shah these may be just names for few but for me these are more than normal people, they contain supernatural authority to make anyone and every one surrender to the divine music they produce. So I have given up, I have given up my life to thee …TRANCE MUSIC the heavenly feeling if there exist on the earth.  

The love for trance has reached such a pinnacle it has transformed into taking a big step… that is to create abode for all the trance lovers around the world http://www.trancehub.com. That’s something that I was working on for along time, it has finally come into existence. Wow wasn’t it a great feeling when it went live!!! 6th October 2007 12 am all bliss came into us we three Apoorv, Priyank and me, a dream come true 

 So let me take you through a small recap of how exactly it happened… we always shared this love of trance and always wanted to give back the music genre that has changed our lives. So we decided … We will launch INDIAS FIRST TRANCE MUSIC COMMUNITY. Then all the task of getting together formulating the website, what should it have what it shouldn’t … we tried to contact DJs for interviews. Tried two cracked one, Richard Durand was in India then, we decided it was a great time to launch the site, neither we got his interview nor the website started then. Then the SOLE MESSIAH,  DJ SHAH gave us the much-needed break, Our first interview, like a true professional and the guy from the same soil he lived up to his words and gave us really informative and a precise interview. We thought lets have more!! Then came  ZARA TAYLOR wow. The zesty singer just made our website red hot with an amazing sound clip exclusively for us. We thought we were big already.

 Also with emails pouring we’d reached almost 150 at the site launch day. Incredible experience putting the whole site together and the love for trance just getting bigger!! Let me thank Priyank and Apoorv for the fantastic support and reviving that trance- being in me .  

So today the site has Interviews of DJ SHAH , Zara Taylor, IN search of sunrise 6 review and much more …it also has a  forum which will be the platform to make Trance big in India, I urge people to join it and actively participate and make the dream come true. TRANCE IS LIFE and LIFE IS A TRANCE   


THE SITE …. www.trancehub.com

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